San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative
The San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative (COI) is a public-private partnership with the mission of reducing and preventing childhood obesity through policy, systems, and environmental change. Since its inception in 2006, the COI has grown exponentially and continues to act as a hub for innovation and collaboration.
The COI utilizes a collective impact model to engage more than 200 partners across seven domains—government, healthcare, schools and after-school, early childhood, community, media, and business— to work together to reduce and prevent childhood obesity.
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Achievement of these goals is guided by strategies identified in the San Diego County Childhood Obesity Action Plan.
The State of Childhood Obesity report, developed with the input and support of many COI partners, was released in May 2017. The report presents childhood overweight and obesity prevalence data, baseline measures for indicators of progress, and innovative projects and activities implemented by COI partners and provides a benchmark by which progress in obesity prevention will be measured moving forward, with a focus on health equity. Read it here.
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Contact Us
Dan Fesperman
San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative
Email Dan
Nina Ghatan
San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative
Email Nina
Nina Ghatan
San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative
Email Nina