Assessment & Evaluation Subcommittee
Purpose Statement: The Assessment & Evaluation Committee was formed to track the progress of the SPC efforts and plans. Each year, the subcommittee releases its annual report to the community tracking six key indicators on suicide and suicide behaviors in San Diego County. Data compiled in the Report Card describe the overall status of suicide and key efforts to prevent it in San Diego County.
Additionally, the subcommittee is also involved in evaluation efforts of the Suicide Prevention Action Plan efforts, tracking of suicide assessment screening tools (including the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale or C-SSRS), and other activities.
Register For Our Meetings Below:
Please contact or 858-609-7976 for location information and if you are interested in attending.
Subcommittee Co-Chairs
Charles Westfall – Adult Outpatient Services Manager
Frances Reyes Yee – Senior Evaluation Research Associate
SPC Reports to the Community
SPC Medical Provider Roundtables: Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS)
For more information on the Assessment & Evaluation Subcommittee or if you would like to join our mailing list, please contact our SPC Program Coordinator at:
(858) 609-7976