Recovery Residence Associatoin

Recovery Residence Association

Recovery residences are privately-owned homes or complexes that provide housing for adults with a substance use disorder (SUD) or co-occurring disorder. They serve individuals that are currently receiving outpatient SUD services or are enrolled in recovery services.

Our mission is to collaborate with the community, family members, and treatment providers to support and promote high-quality recovery residences for individuals with substance use disorder and co-occurring disorder.

The vision of the RRA is to build an accessible network of trusted recovery residences in the San Diego County region that foster the dignity and empowerment of the individuals they serve.

  • Education & Training
    To provide ongoing training and support for members, participants, and the community.

  • Online Directory
    To give providers and clients access to high-quality recovery residences in San Diego County region.
  • Peer Review & Accountability
    To provide quality-improvement coaching for members.
  • Advocacy
    To bring expertise to recovery residences and the living environments focused on the whole-person approach to recovery.

Contact Us

General Information
Recovery Residence Association
Email RRA